Orthopaedic Surgery Examination and Board Review (IST)

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Prepare for your orthopaedic surgery board exams with confidence with this all-in-one review, complete with 1200+ board-style questions

Orthopaedic Surgery Examination and Board Review is the ideal study guide when you need to prep for the primary and recertification exams in orthopaedic surgery. Presenting more than 1200 board-style questions, the book mirrors the content of the actual AAOS exam so you have the opportunity to experience the exam before you actually take it.

This practical study guide is key to exam success:

  • Surgical case studies that cover all topics and specialty areas of the orthopaedic surgery board exams
  • Detailed explanations for answers that cover not only why an answer is right, but also why the other answers are wrong
  • Color photographs and illustrations to complement the text