Konemans Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology 7th

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     Now in striking full color, this 7th Edition of Koneman's gold standard text presents all the principles and practices readers need for a solid grounding in all aspects of clinical microbiology-bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology. Comprehensive, easy-to-understand, and filled with high quality images, the book covers cell and structure identification in more depth than any other book available. This fully updated 7th Edition is enhanced by new pedagogy, new clinical scenarios, new photos and illustrations, and all-new instructor and student resources. * A new-full color design clarifies important concepts and engages students. * Updated and expanded coverage of the mycology and molecular chapters reflect the latest advances in the field. * New clinical scenarios demonstrate key applications of microbiology in the real world. * Additional high quality images enhance visual understanding. * Clinical correlations link microorganisms to specific disease states using references to the most current medical literature available. * Practical guidelines for cost-effective, clinically relevant evaluation of clinical specimens include extent of workup and abbreviated identification schemes. * In-depth chapters cover the increasingly important areas of immunologic and molecular diagnosis. * Principles of biochemical tests are explained and illustrated to bridge the gap between theory and practice. * Line drawings, photographs, and tables clarify more complex concepts. * Display boxes highlight essential information on microbes. * Techniques and procedure charts appear at the back of the book for immediate access. * Extensive bibliographic documentation allows students to explore primary sources for information. * Chapter Objectives and Review Questions help students master key concepts. * To enhance teaching the learning, the book is now supported by chapter-by-chapter online resources for instructors and students, including, an image bank, PowerPoint slides, and Weblinks. A Test Bank is available for instructors.
